Is There Anything I Can Do To Enhance Conductivity?

Yes! There are a few things to be aware of:

  • Internal hydration: When you are dehydrated, your body isn't as conductive. Drink plenty of water and consider adding trace minerals or a pinch of high quality sea salt to each glass. These additions help to support healthy body mineralization and the absorption of water into your cells.
  • Skin moisture: Dry skin has more resistance and so less electrons will be able to enter the body compared to moist skin. Moisturize with high quality oils or lotion after showering while your skin is still slightly damp. (Always wait at least one hour to use Earthing or Ground Therapy products after applying oils, creams, or lotions.)
  • Skin surface: A build-up of dead skin cells on the bottom of your feet or anywhere else on your body will reduce or block conductivity. Dry brushing, using a loofa in the shower, and/or pumice stones on your feet can be very helpful in maintaining healthy skin.

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